Shrinking The Planet – One Ride At A Time

Falling Off Sucks

Falling off sucks.  Yes it does.  The bruises, the scratches, the potential injury, to say nothing of the embarrassment, falling off sucks.  Or does it? If we step back and examine our falls (I’ve had plenty), what caused them?  Was it my inattention?  My lack of ability?  Impassable terrain?  Equipment failure or lack of the appropriate equipment?  Something else?

As you can tell, there are lots of reasons we fall off.  But if we step back and analyze our falls, are they all bad things?  Did we learn something from them?  Did we learn that we need to pay attention at all times or that we need to lay off the front brake in low adhesion situations?  Did it make you think that you need more practice and drive you to go out and do so?  Did it make you think a second time before attempting that muddy track on smooth tires when there was a different way around?

Well then, perhaps falling off really doesn’t suck.  Perhaps it’s something you can use as a tool when it happens.  You can use these experiences to learn and improve.  It’s a bit humbling perhaps, but if you take away a learning experience from the fall, you’ve come out ahead.  That’s the secret.  Just make sure that you walk away from that fall with new perspectives and new insights that will keep you from repeating that fall and others to come.

So…  after all, maybe falling off doesn’t suck.  Maybe it just stinks for a little while.

Ride2Adventure – Shrink The Planet One Ride At A Time

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