Shrinking The Planet – One Ride At A Time

I’m Going To Stop To Take A Picture (Part 1)

The left ear speaker in my bike to bike helmet intercom crackled with a monotone voice I thought I’d already heard fifty times today.  “I’m going to stop to take a picture.”  Arggghhh!!!!!  No, not again, please, not again.  We were just making some decent time and now we have to stop again?  But you know what?  That voice in my left ear was my riding buddy, Kim’s Dad Dick.  He was the smart one that day and he taught me something as well.  Riding, especially adventure riding is a special experience and if you can capture it so you can re-live it later, you’ve done yourself and others a great service.  Because remember, your adventure isn’t all about you, it’s about the others that you meet and what we exchange when we interact.

When you capture that experience particularly in pictures or video, you share the experiences not only that you had, but potentially the impact that you had on others.  So take the time to not only experience your journey, but also record it for you and others to share later.  The sharing of these experiences on film or video can be almost as good as experiencing it first hand and if you can convince someone else to take an adventure ride, you will have made the planet a smaller and more sharing place.  Congratulations.

Now you may be asking how do these picture and recordings let me enjoy my adventure over and over or make the world a better place?  Well let’s take a couple of moments and figure this out together.  You can generally remember that the trip you went on was a lot of fun and that you had a good time, but will you remember all the individual scenes during your adventure, perhaps with someone you love, or care about, the gorgeous landscapes, the people you met, the weather you experienced and dealt with, or that you saw something that effected you.  How about all the action scenes, riding through water crossings, over logs, through sand, mud and… snow.  When you have pictures or video, these things are brought back to life.

So let’s break these down a bit and see what we can see, eh?  We’ll do this in several parts so for the first part, let’s look at personal one on one photos.  Ones that capturing the essence of the riding experience, fun or the adventure itself.  How do we do that?  Well it can be different for different people, but when you are really, really having fun or if there is a difficult situation, if you just take a picture right then and there, you will likely have captured the essence and spirit of the ride.  What do I mean by that; and who wants to stop and take a picture just when you are having fun or really ticked off?   I mean literally just take the picture.  Here are some of my favorites in this regard…

Capturing the person…

Here capturing some of the fun…

Perhaps the not so fun times…

And finally some reflections on riding…

With each of these pictures, a memory is renewed or an experience potentially forgotten forever shared.  Don’t let them get away, keep them forever.  Next time, in Part 2 we’ll take a look at scenery.

8 responses

  1. Willy Maria Lopez

    Yes, you stop and take that picture. Now with the digital camera no more wasting film. If you don’t like it later you can always delete…


    April 27, 2012 at 12:03 am

    • Willy, we continue to enjoy taking the pics and then revisiting and sharing them so you bet we will keep on taking them.
      Mike and Kim


      May 2, 2012 at 11:39 pm

  2. Wow, what a set of photos. I love them all. Well done, when made stops!


    April 27, 2012 at 6:57 am

  3. Joe

    A truly great picture! You’ll have to expand on the story behind that one 🙂


    April 27, 2012 at 3:19 pm

    • Joe, Here’s the story. It’s 100+ degrees temperature outside and it’s really muggy. I have a pressurized Giegerrig hydration system filled with ice cubes and ice water in my backpack.
      “So Kim, you’re pretty hot are you? Let me cool you off a bit.” A quick squeeze on the mouthpiece and Kim is sprayed with ice cold and cooling water. Job done! 🙂


      May 2, 2012 at 11:43 pm

  4. Thanks for this post! I used to be on the lookout for the perfect spot to take the perfect picture. Off course this meant I usually came home with hardly any pictures at all. After all, how often does one come upon the perfect spot, let alone the perfect picture.

    Now, thanks to this post, I actually stop, get of my bike and take pictures. They might not be perfect, but I do get to share my rides with others and enjoy them over and over again myself.

    Hope you don’t mind, my mentioning this post in one of my own (


    May 17, 2012 at 2:11 am

    • Gerdi,

      We’re glad we’ve been able to convince you to stop to record your journeys so that you can enjoy them later and share them with others.

      Also, thank YOU for putting a link to R2ADV on your site. We really appreciate that.

      All our best,

      Mike and Kim


      May 18, 2012 at 8:38 am

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